Saturday, October 31, 2009

Buying Lift Top Coffee Tables Online

For years people have bought books and CDs online. But recently people have begun buying more and more furniture online. There are some things you need to know before passing your credit card over the Internet for lift top coffee tables.

Books and CDs come in fixed sizes. When you buy a book or a CD online, you pretty much know whether or not it will fit on your shelf. Unfortunately, this isn't the case with furniture. While many sites provide you the dimensions of the furniture you are viewing, it can still be difficult to really visualize how it will fit into your room without seeing it in person. And you only need to spend a few minutes reading reviews on Amazon to learn how often either manufacturers or retailers presents the dimensions all wrong.

I still encourage people to shop for their lift top coffee tables online. A lift top coffee table is a specialized piece of furniture, and you simply cannot view the broad spectrum of choices without browsing around online. However, I strongly encourage you to visit real physical furniture display rooms to develop a sense for how a piece really looks and feels in a physical space.

It is likely that you will not find the exact lift top coffee table you've been considering online within your local furniture warehouse. If that is the case, I suggest two steps.

First, be sure to contact and obtain a verbal verification of the exact dimensions of the lift top coffee tables you are considering. Make specific record of the contact and response in case you have a problem and must refer to it in an official capacity later. Next, take those dimensions to a physical store with a larger furniture display. Bring a ruler or measuring tape. Now find a coffee table that closest meets the dimensions of the coffee table you're considering.

This may seem excessive, but I can assure you this may affect your decision more than you realize. Most people can't really sense the space and dimensions before actually seeing the piece in real space.

Additionally, if the lift top coffee table you are considering has some kind of stained wood, I encourage you to request a color sample. Often times when you buy lift top coffee tables online, the color you receive does not appear the same in the light of your home as it does in the photographs you viewed online.

Before you buy a coffee table online, read my comprehensive guide: Lift Top Coffee Tables

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